Thursday, August 30, 2012

Love the making of a Memory

My Beautiful MoM...

My mom and I
Awesome Christian Lady
On my wedding day..

My love will never die...
As most of you know today will be five years since the passing of my mom...I miss her every single day..The love I have for her will never die..She will live in my heart for as long as I live..This love I now share for her is called a memory..I always thought I would have more time.I thought I would have more phone conversations that took place every morning and ended in I love Yous..More Thanksgiving's,more Christmases together,more Birthdays just more time to love her here on this earth..My mom was a Awesome lady..No, she was not perfect,but then none of us are but her way of life was spent loving and caring for others..She was always busy helping others and giving was not something she did it was her way of life..She loved and gave her all to my dad and with no doubt  she loved her children, family and friends but most of all you knew where she stood with her relationship with her GOD..She is the one I turned to when I needed a shoulder to cry on.And here lately,that would have been a lot, because of now I'm going to take the month of August out of my calendar a good month for me..She was the one I would call first to celebrate good news and the one I would call for advice..So you see my mom played a very   important part in my life.Even though she has left to go into the other room..I will take everything she has taught me and pass it down to my children and grandchildren so that her love will never die..because with out love there are no memories..I know that love never dies, that our loved ones are with us always, and that the memory of my mother will live in my heart forever. I also know that life is short and we never know when we’ll have our last opportunity to say the things we want to say, until the moment is gone.So, if you want to say, “I love you”, go say it now. If you need to say, “I’m sorry” or “I forgive you”, go say it now. Go do the things you want to do with those that you love- now. Don’t think that you’re too busy or that you can do it tomorrow, for tomorrow may never come.I love you mom and forever will............Till we meet again.....Your first born" Martha"

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