Monday, August 27, 2012

They have my Heart.............

My little man...

My Little Miss Prissy..

My little Betty Lou....
Hugs and Kisses.....

Walking in papa's shoes... 
I am (in no particular order) a wife, a mom, a mimi and by that I realized I am living on borrowed time... sitting here thinking a word came to mind...RELISH-Relish the Moments and make them count....I relish the moments that I have with my grandchildren. Little moments, Regular moments,Precious moments. The moments when they play together Relishing the fun..Park and Zoo days.. Bedtime Stories and Bedtime Prayers ..Special Talks.. And the Can I fix your hair times??and the countless “I Love You's”.. The Special Hugs and kisses meant only for you ..This little piggy went to the market..Funny face Wide mouth frog..Peek a Boo ..Here's the church and here's the steeple.. Whistling and the non ending desire to be pushed in a swing.. The little hand prints on the glass doors..And those never ending sometimes funny questions and the funny faces they give when you give them sometimes a funny answer....and the very first time they call out your name(mimi)Oh and that will melt your heart...And the crazy nicknames we give them..And most of all just the little things they do for no reason at all..Relishing their childhood. They capture our hearts so quickly and hold on for ever.. I don't know how many more summers we will have of these adventures, so I am trying to savor everyone. We relish moments that become precious memories..I'm grateful for the time I do have. It never feels like enough..but it is. It's enough. What we're given from God is always long as we make it count..for every moment which passes by should be relished,for they will never return..Therefore I will forever relish the moments and make each one count........."The days are long but the years are short."   ~Mom’s wisdom~They have my HEART forever............

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