Thursday, August 30, 2012


My Sweet Baby Girl...
“Coming home”…what phrase could sound sweeter?My baby girl is coming home for the week-end... Friday to be exact..I could not be any happier.. .My only fear is that my expectations of how this first vacation/ visit will far exceed the reality. Dreams of long talks, laughs,shopping, just hanging out together will probably end up with her hanging out with her friends, spending hours on her laptop, and sleeping LOT'S of sleeping! Doesn't matter that I will probably see more of her dirty laundry than her. No matter what happens, I am thrilled she will be home My Baby Is Coming Home! I Am So Excited!! She has already put in a order for a Chicken casserole. She is coming home for her first real visit since she headed off to college. I haven't seen her for about two weeks and for some strange reason that seems like an eternity I can't wait to hug her and kiss that sweet face. I am thrilled she will be home and I am counting down the hours.

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