Thursday, September 11, 2014


You have grown from being my little baby to a fine young man, all of which seems to have happened in the blink of an eye.It seems like yesterday I was bringing you home from the hospital, helping you take your first steps, taking you to Kindergarten while I bawled my eyes out, kissing all those boo-boo’s and reading you bedtime stories …I had never had a boy and had a lot to learn,we have sort of grown up together.We both taught each other.Since the day you were born I worried and wondered about whether or not I was being the best parent I could be. Did I make you feel important? Did we find enough time for the little things that live on in happy memories and remember whens, like laughter, and hugs, and (just-between-us) moments? Did I show you enough that you mean the world to me? And more importantly, did you always know I loved you, even when I was angry at you? I hope I’ve given you enough and made you feel loved, cherished and important.I know in the past we have not always seen eye to eye and we have had our fair share of disagreements, but I want you to know you have mad me so very proud! You have become a wonderful Godly dad and husband and a great provider for your family. I love you with all my heart forever your mom I will be........

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