Thursday, September 11, 2014

I will never in my life forget that day.September 11,2001. I was as most days getting the kids out the door for school,we were excited that morning, it was David's Birthday and he was going for his drivers licenses after school.I had the Today Show on and I will never forget the thought that ran through my head as that first airplane hit.Did I see what I thought I saw? and then thinking those poor people both in the tower and airplane.I ran and got Ronnie and as we were watching, the second airplane hit,that's when I felt my heart just sink and my stomach got this sick feeling. I knew then, Things were bad!!  and our world would never be the same.That our country was changed in just a matter of hours.Then another plane came flying into the Pentagon, Then another plane crashing in a field in Pennsylvania,How could it get any worse and then the towers fell.We just saw thousands of people die right in front of our face on T.V and our world would never be the same...I remember all I wanted was to have my kids back home with me,that’s the day everything changed.I wondered what kind of world my kids would now grow up in.I do know that God is still here, and we can still put our trust in Him .I am not going to lie to you, I have a hard time doing this sometimes.I look at the world today and at times I get that sick feeling again.I heard a T.V announcer say that the story of 911 would be the worse story he would ever announce,and for a minute I thought in my heart he may be right but I think maybe not.I just pray that God will keep us safe and that people will realize even though things are bad and may get worse he(GOD) will be our protector and provider and put trust in Him.Remembering the day's after 911 make me appreciate the moments we have today even more.
Let’s not waste any. They will not last forever and things can change in a matter of seconds.And yes, David did get his Drivers Licences, and yes I never prayed as hard as I did that day....

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