Sunday, May 12, 2013

One of the Best Mother's Day's

God has Blessed me beyond what I deserve!! Thank you family and friends for loving me unconditionally and making this one of the Best Mother Day's Ever!!!!!
This is a picture that was made for me for Mother's Day
It has all my babies except the two that are on the way soon and the little bud behind the flower that has not been adopted into our family just yet!!!! 
Thank- You Husband
(buying Simply Red)
Thank - You
Baby Micah

My Sweet Family
Thank - You
Tracy...I Love it...
The Cards!!
Everything rolled into one picture!!!

The kids and a Family friend put this book together for me for Mother's Day
It has the best looking grand babies in it!!

Yep...I can say I am LOVED and it's the VERY BEST FEELING!!!!!

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