Sunday, May 12, 2013

One of the Best Mother's Day's

God has Blessed me beyond what I deserve!! Thank you family and friends for loving me unconditionally and making this one of the Best Mother Day's Ever!!!!!
This is a picture that was made for me for Mother's Day
It has all my babies except the two that are on the way soon and the little bud behind the flower that has not been adopted into our family just yet!!!! 
Thank- You Husband
(buying Simply Red)
Thank - You
Baby Micah

My Sweet Family
Thank - You
Tracy...I Love it...
The Cards!!
Everything rolled into one picture!!!

The kids and a Family friend put this book together for me for Mother's Day
It has the best looking grand babies in it!!

Yep...I can say I am LOVED and it's the VERY BEST FEELING!!!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though it's been 7 years now 
since you were taken away,
the memories are still strong 
and I wish you were here today.

I can't see nor touch you 
so I know you're not here
but I've still got the past
and in my heart you're still near.I Love you mom and always will!!!!
Happy Mother's Day
My late mom was the best. She was the most beautiful, loving, caring, protective, dedicated and Godly mom. She gave my life a meaning. She's not here with me anymore, but I can always see that beautiful smile on her face..Growing up in the 60's and 70's I had that June Cleaver life..My mom was a stay at home mom.She kept the house and always cooked the BEST meals and God was most important in our home.And no, she was not perfect and we had our day's but I had no doubt that she loved me with all her heart..There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about her.I think often on how I would love again to thank her for all she did for me and how much like her I want to be..I am a mom and now a Mimi and I Thank God everyday for the Blessings he has given me..I have the best kids and grand kids a person could ask for. My prayer is that I will be like my mom and let my family know just how much I love them and how important they truly are to me...I know I have failed them in so many ways but with Gods grace and their love in the end they will know that they had my HEART!!!!!! Love you guys...Happy Mothers Day to all my wonderful mom friends!!!!    

I can see it now all the mom's from Bible times to present 
sitting around in Heaven together and saying hey let me tell you about my kids...On this Mother's Day!! I know my mom is having the time of her life..Happy Mother's Day... Heaven Style!!