Thursday, April 11, 2013


The Famous CICADA...
CICADAS ARE ON THEIR WAY!!!!heard on the news this morning to be on the look out for the most amazing insect I know of..After hanging around underground for 17 years, billions of flying bugs known as cicadas are due to sweep over the East Coast starting sometime in the next month. The outbreak is expected to start in the Carolinas in April or early May.I must say I'm excited about this Big event!! Although it seems like a  sad kind of  life they go underground for 17 years and make their way up to search for a mate and then, they the adults only live for two to four weeks...WOW now that's LOVE..LOL 
remember well the last visit the Cicadas made in our area. Tracy, my youngest daughter was two and my youngest son had not even been born yet....and yes we were camping at the time when the first Cicada outbreak took place that I can remember...and I am 52 years old.I can't wait!!!!! Cicadas are cool and "Without a doubt, they are a true marvel of nature and one that should be enjoyed whenever possible."I read that if you live to be 75 that you only have about four opportunities to hear the amazing song of the Cicadas...Mysteriously as they arrive ,they will disappear..So I am waiting patiently for when I wake up on a hot sunny bright morning to the ear deafening song and sound of the coolest insect I know of the CICADAS...

And yes this is another reason that I love living in the amazing SOUTH...........

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