Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Grateful to My Self/Me

When you reach the ripe old age of 52 like I have you start to feel a little OLD and LAZY,EMOTIONAL TIED and AFRAID...So here's to Me/Self a letter...To remind me to feel grateful to myself...
            Dear Self, 
                      O.k. Self/Me I love you. I love you for who you have made me out to be..Not everyone loves their self and not everyone loves you self/me but that's o.k I love your brown/black/going gray hair that has a mind of it's own and those Cow Barn eyes (deep brown) that can shed a tear when required.I love those long arms that stretch to the sky and loves to give big strong hugs.Also for those long fingers and toes (that in reality favor a monkeys).I love, believe it or not, the facial hair that I have now acquired.(I Dub Thee Tracy as my official hair plucker when home from college a job I know she will feel honored to have..lol Self, I love the fact that you are almost always several inches taller than most and for your working thinking mind and the fact that most do not understand your way of thinking.Ha,Ha..I love your fun spirit and how you make others laugh, for the beating heart that was given you that loves beyond measure.Oh and the fact that you can still move this somewhat healthy body Running,Walking, Jumping and Bending now that was a workout! I love that you have a style all your own not so sure how that will work for you when you are 70..We will have to see how that goes....                                                                                                      
                      I know you have done some hard and amazing things since we have been together and the satisfaction that those hard things have brought, one of which, was giving birth"WHEW"now that is Love....I love that you chose to marry the most amazing man on earth.Not always seeing eye to eye on things but knowing he loves me and he knows Me/Self better than anyone almost more than I know myself..                                                                 
                       Self,you do need to do some much needed work on the way you take things out on the Sweetest man that has worked so hard for you.Thank-You in advance for working on that.I love that most of the time you are fun loving and just laid back,well most of the time. lol I find you could be a little bit nicer at times and not be to hard on others,and again you do need to try to work on that.I am amazed that you have a heavenly father who does know you and loves you for who you are and that makes you feel so very important. I love that you have a strong faith although you do need to work on being more diligently to studying the bible and yes praying..I know you're wanting to start working on that as well..  SOON!!                          
                          Loving the fact that you have family and friends.I love that you have a giving heart toward others.I don't like that you expect too much out of people.You got to stop doing that and you need to appreciate who they are and what they do.Even though they do not always see and do things your way...Self/me you are a wife,mom and Mimi and I love all the love you  hold  in your heart for those who have been placed in your life.Self you did  a Awesome job at choosing them to love.The love you have for family and friends and the love they have for you..Your love never ending..So looking back Self/Me you have done alright with what you have been giving..Feeling ever so GRATEFUL!!! I love you and thank you for giving of yourself..Remember,Self/Me  you are fearfully and wonderfully made...And don't ever forget it.............

Monday, January 21, 2013

My Beautiful Brown Babies......

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. Albert Einstein. Skin color is not skin deep. It is less than skin deep. Of the 30,000 or so genes embedded in human DNA, only a very few have anything to do with skin color. All races are basically alike in mental, emotional and physical make up. Skin color is only cosmetic. I am a very Proud Mimi of two precious little Brown Babies that I love with all my heart..They are bright,beautiful and loving little ones..It saddens me and breaks my heart to think about how people can be toward someone who is different not only in color but with handicaps..I pray one day that all this hate will fade away..I pray that the girls will grow up to be God fearing,God loving young women..And color will  matter no more...What a Wonderful World it Would Be!! I Love you my SWEET little Brown babies with all my Heart!! Happy Martin Luther King Day