Sunday, December 30, 2012

Glorious Messes...

I ran across this quote and it really hit home for me, for all those who know me, know that I am somewhat of a clean freak.I for one have always jumped right in to clean up the mess that was made on Christmas Day.The never ending shreds of wrapping paper and the boxes and bows scattered about,but for some reason this year I woke up the day after Christmas and found things pretty much how we had left it after our family Christmas Day celebration.I think this is all part of the magic of Christmas.You only have so many years of your life left to enjoy the simple moments that take place during Christmas.The surprises found that morning left by Santa, gathering around the table for a home cooked breakfast with those you love..And then the shaking of gifts trying to guess what is inside a beautifully wrapped package.The Ohs and Awe's, the little ones surprised look when they finally get to see what their gift was after pulling one little piece of paper off at a time.The smiles and laughter...And for one split second adults who become childlike once again.So for the first time in a while I DECIDED TO HOLD OFF ON THE PROCESS OF JUMPING RIGHT IN AND CLEANING UP, TO LET THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS LINGER AWHILE LONGER..To enjoy family and friends filling us with LOVE and JOY..Yep, I am so Blessed to have had that GLORIOUS MESS!!! 

Our Christmas Tree and the gifts just waiting to be opened...

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