Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday/ Happy Birthday

Day by day another year has slipped away.I know despite the fact that I am thankful for my family and friends.Sometimes I tend to overlook the little things in life,and take for granted the presence of people family and friends,who if they were gone ,would be truly MISSED.And by knowing this I never want to forget how precious life, love and family are.They make us see who we really are at times.Celebrating a birthday does not mean to celebrate another year that I'm alive but with who I celebrate my life with and that I am Happy with my life.Each person who has had a part in my life whether it has been a family member,friend,or anyone that I have had the pleasure of meeting over the past fifty two years thus for has played an important role in my life.You have in some way provided important life lessons some good and some bad.This past year has had it's ups and downs and quite a bit of turmoil. Circumstances some not of my choosing but through it all,I am thankful for family and friends who have been there for me,praying for me when I needed it the most! Making me laugh when I thought it was impossible.Helping me to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.I am thankful for a husband who has loved me unconditionally,stood by me even when words we exchanged in our most stressed moments have not been so nice,and believe me they have been many..but I know he loves me dearly.I am thankful for Christ and his love for me even when I have not been so lovable.My turning 52 has been bitter /sweet.I look at the past and wonder like most where did the time go.I miss the younger days that carried me up to this point in my life and I am some what anxious about the uncertain events that will unfold with the up coming years.You know the things that life throws at you and catches you off guard,to make sure you are alive and still kicking.But the one thing I do know with the love and support of family and friends and my faith, it's enough to see me through what lies ahead.I pray for God's Grace to fall upon me over the up coming years.So I will enjoy the Present and look forward to the future and be Thankful....I found this poem and thought it said it best...We sometimes struggle with birthdays,especially as we grow older..

Each year our birthday forces us to grow
Into the person whom we have yet to know
With circumstances that hopefully have made us wise
When we learn from our multitude of mistakes and tries.

To take a long look at these years gone past
To really reflect on how time travels fast
To know that every day that each of us lives
Is a great gift from God that He lovingly gives.

So as you celebrate another passing year again
On this day that marks the beginning of the moment when
You entered this world for a purposeful plan
Just remember your worth doesn't come from man.

Your worth comes from our Creator who made you unique
Who gave you knowledge and words to speak
Who doesn't care about a past success or failure
But only cares about your heart that His presence makes pure.

False paths, lost dreams, wrong choices, it’s true
Fills your past as well as everyone else’s, too
There may be those lost memories that hinder your day
But with God in your mind the regrets soon melt away.

Cherish this day and who you’re growing to be
This special person that all of us already see
Embrace this coming year and live each day anew
By becoming the excellent one God created in you. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

CHANGE..Not a big fan.....

O.k I am the first one to admit I do not like change.I like things to stay the same. I wish that I had a  button to slow down the changes that take place in life.Now, with this being said the day after election day scares me.It scares me a lot.I could not watch it on t.v. and I know that for the next couple of months we will be watching what I call fun stuff.No, really I can't explain it.I know that the same president we have had for the past four years was just  re-elected back in office so, I should not worry so much right? I know maybe what to expect,right?I believe I pretty much know the direction that our nation is taken,but I must say I am a little Optimistic and apprehensive all rolled into one.I know who holds this nation in his hands and I know he will never forsake us and my GOD will forever be with us, but I am human and there is always a but at this moment in time, this day,this week I am scared.So why should this scare me? I know that I would have felt the same way no matter who was voted in as our president,Right? I guess because things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track in this nation,I'm scared for my children and their children.I'm scared about the changes that this world is fixing to make.I know we need change to make this nation the nation it has become.I know this nation is going to make changes for the good as well as the bad. This scares me in the fact that I'm not sure what lies ahead for my children and their children and their children to come.I just pray for God's grace to be upon us as a nation and forever keep us in his safe, loving arms.I know he holds the future and knowing this I am going to have to remind myself of this often! I will cling to this verse as a wife, mom,mimi and friend and a follower of Christ .Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you?Be strong and courageous.Do not be discouraged,for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."