Tuesday, July 31, 2012

OK..Family Day it is....

Today started out with a lot of rain and more rain with no end in sight.. so we thought..The rain and clouds are not going to stop our plans for a fun family day....We are on our way to Helen Ga..Yep..Hell-N-GA. No really this is one of my favorite places.To kill some time we took the long way going up through Walhalla a small town we once lived in.In hopes that the rain would let up we  went by our old home place` and could not pass up eating at one  of the best restaurants in town(Steak House on Main)..always getting that BIG fat Chicken Breast, Mac n Cheese,Rice n Gravy with Lime Salad,Yeast Roll and the Sweet Tea is a must and mouth watering Coconut Cream Pie.Come to think of it I'm just wondering why all the good food is so bad for you..Makes my mouth water just thinking about it.O.k. now we are off for some adventure simple family fun..It's really funny though we don't get back on the road good again until we pull out the snacks something about eating while traveling and I pack enough snacks as though we were going to be stranded for days something I have always done. We arrive and the sun is out and the water is cold..Oh wait I forgot to tell you we are going tubing.The best 20dollars a family of four can spend.I love hanging with my family times like this do not come around often enough laughing,playing,talking while floating down the Chattahoochee river...Sounds like the makings of a country song.. After a hour or more depending on how many times you get stuck the next thing on the agenda is to indulge ourselves with a Funnel Cake covered with that sweet white powder sugar.And as always seeking out some of that fudge that melts in your mouth which to me is one of the best comfort foods.Not a very eventful day but our day non the less.I'm sure that today could have been spent more efficiently and in a way it was it was our day for making memories.Just a laid back day spent with my family.."Don't always run at a break neck pace. Take leave when you've earned it:Spend it with your family" Colin Powell

This was one of my favorite homes that we lived in.That old house is more than a house
It once was home to us. A house with a memory.....
 Helen Ga, It is a re-creation of a Bavarian Alpine village.
Best fudge ever!
The three amigos.

1 comment:

  1. So glad ya'll got away for at least one day! Ya'll deserve so much more. Thank you for all the family time you and the kids sacrifice so willingly in order for Preacher to take care of his hard headed sheep!! Love you guys!
