Monday, October 1, 2012

My Love for the Rain....

O.k since it is raining ,what better subject to blog.about yep, the rain and my love for it.There are some things that I love about the rain.I have always loved the rain and how it makes me feel . I love the smell of it.I love the way you can smell it in the air even before it's arrival.I love after a good rain the crispness that it brings to the air and how much brighter the trees and grass seem to be..I love the sound of it tat,tat on the roof or the sound of it falling through the trees or how it sounds when your car drives through it. I love the sound it makes when you are driving in it and just for a brief second it stops when you go under a bridge.I love the fact of holding an umbrella and running to get from one place to another and trying not to get wet but no matter how hard you try it the laughing as you stomp through the little puddles that it has made.And I find it a little bit romantic to share an umbrella with the one you love.  But most of all I love it's calmness that it brings into my home.I love being trapped indoors because of it.I love the warmth it brings and the desire to crawl back in the bed and snuggle.The warmth of a soft glow from a lamp with the soothing sounds of jazz playing with the rain in the background or the fact that it makes me want a cup of coffee and I am not even a big fan of the stuff, lol. I love the desire it brings to want to cook something on the stove most of the day because of it's cool dampness.For me I think the rain is God's way of saying slow down and enjoy some of the simple things I give you in life and the rain is one of them..Some people walk in the rain,others just get wet.Rain showers my spirit, and waters my soul. ~ Emily Logan Decens

Shower my Spirit

A little bit of romance.. 

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