Thursday, June 5, 2014

Forever Your Mom I'll Be............

The Beginning of the 8th grade...
Today marks the end of the school year.I could not be any happier..I am probably more excited than the kids..but I am also a little sad.I am not real sure where the past couple of years have gone.I do know they went by way to fast..Cameron will make his way to the High School this fall..and like the others the next 4 years will fly by like the blink of an eye..So I am going to take in every second I can get as a mom . I see how fleeting these moments are and I am desperate to hold on to him as long as I can! I'm not sure how he is going to feel about this .lol Now that Tracy is gone for the summer it's just us three.He,(Cameron) Dad and Me...So knowing that my time is limited and he will be grown before I know it..and he will need me a little less as the years go by..I will steal a few hugs and kisses.Take tons of pictures and never let him forget how much he is loved and that I will always be there for him as I watch him grow into a God fearing handsome young man..after all my kids are the people I have loved beyond reason,and that I have loved more than I ever knew was possible...And I thank God that he allowed me to undertake the job of being their mom!!!

The end of the 8th grade.....

For ever my baby you will be......