Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pictures: They Say A Thousand Words.........

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

A picture is more special to me.  More than a thousand words can say, because of the story it can tell.  It can capture that moment in time that may never come again.  A story.  A story that may never be told again.  A picture is something that can not be replaced.  It creates a sense of immortality.  I find pictures to be more special to me the older I get, especially after a death.  Because you know you never will see that person again here on this earth.  Unable to snap another picture of them , the few pictures that you do have will be all that you have to carry you on through the rest of life.  There are some photos that will mean more to you than others. There are some that will take you back to a time and place that you never want to forget. There are some photos that will make you laugh,smile and even cry.  A picture is worth a thousand words because of the memories that are captured in one little photo.  In one photo, it has captured every little trace of a loved ones face. You never do really know at the time when you are taking the picture how important that photo will become to you or what it will really mean to you.  The meaning behind it, the story it was telling, may not be known until months or even years later.  It reveals just how fast time goes by, how quickly a child can grow up, how short our time is with our family and friends or capture the many roads life will carry you down.  How fast things can change from the time when a picture was taken.  I pick days to which I travel back in time, and look at my life as told in each and every photo.  The story they may have captured. The only real thing that can capture the true you is a photograph. A photo.  The one thing you can leave your love ones with. The one thing  that can be shared down through the years.  Never take for granted a picture that you may have, because it may end up meaning more to you than a thousand words.  Be careful when you go to delete a photo.  You may be deleting a story being told.  So over the past years, I have acquired an army trunk full of photos, 2,593 on my phone, and too many to count on my computer.  Yep.  I would say I have been telling a lot of stories through pictures and many more to come.

"Taking pictures is savoring life intensely,every hundredth of a second." -Marc Riboud

"Take a lot of pictures..I've only ever regretted when I didn't take enough." -Safe Haven