Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My take on the up coming New Year!!

O.k...Some 12 hours before the big ball drops in New York and the beginning of a New Year 2014..This coming to the end of 2013 is bitter sweet for me.God has reigned down his grace on me and my sweet family.We again for another year have escaped the ills of this world.He(GOD) has seen us through the birth of three grandchildren,yet another birthday a couple of fun vacations,a few camping trips another Thanksgiving and yes we survived yet another Christmas.And coming up a another New Years Eve and New Year at least for this moment...This New Year for me brings up the opportunity for me to look back and see where I have been and where I am going.The things that I have changed and the things that I need to change..I am left at the end of this year wondering where the time went.I think the older I get the faster that gift(time) flies by...I am a little anxious about bringing in a New Year.The not knowing what lies ahead.Wondering in the back of my mind what 2014 will bring with her..The good the bad..Wondering will this be the year of a life changing event..This is where trusting God comes into play..He has laid out the plans for this New Year and what ever it holds he is in control...I saw this quote.."No one can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending"(unknown)...So the conclusion to this is that I will not start over ,but pick up right where I left off working to make things better in my life.Trusting God for he knows what the future holds for me..So tonight we will have our annual shrimp boil we will celebrate with family and friends,shoot fireworks, laugh and toast in the New Year and when the ball drops I will  catch that first New Year's kiss of 2014 from the love of my life..So 2014 I am ready for you...Trusting in God seeking him in all that is waiting on me this 2014 year..Have a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future.Jeremiah 29:11..So sit back and enjoy the ride it could be one of a life time!!!!!!!!!