Saturday, October 26, 2013


Well October is Pastor appreciation month..So being that I am married  to my Pastor I thought now would be the time to let him as well as others know how I feel about him...So here goes.......
        Being the wife of a pastor carries many different burdens,emotions and at times a different way of thinking and yes there are those expectations from others and the feeling of always living in a fish bowl..Ministry also is a life filled with God's favor,blessings,opportunities and meaningful experiences in life that would have not otherwise came and for that I am grateful...The ministry is filled with highs and lows..It has been at times hard for me to understand his dedication to the ministry. I do know he has a special calling upon his life one that is beyond my understanding...My pastor/husband has the heart for God,church and his people his heart and mind are endlessly occupied with God and his church and its people and the strong Love he has for both...No, he is not perfect and then again who is?? Never has he claimed to be...But I do know without a doubt  he has been called by God to minister to others..And knowing this How could you not love and care for someone who has this calling upon their life..He's the person God has called him to be he does not try to be someone he is not...The Lord is awesome in him as a pastor....Yep,I LOVE my pastor!!! And yet not just because he is my husband but because of what he stands for,,The person he is as a Pastor,Husband,Father,Grandfather and Friend..His unwavering  Love for Christ and others..
My pastor/husband
Deep in thought
       I love to hear my man preach and no matter how long he may preach .lol or how small the offerings are or even how many people show up,my Husband/Pastor is still the most AMAZING man in my life and I need to make sure that he is reminded of this often..and together we will serve our Lord till the end of time....


We are in this together