Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy Fall Y'ALL........

Well its hard to believe that summer has come to a end and fall will take its place...I must say that I am a little sad to see it go.Heck I'm really sad.Sad to say goodbye to summer..The long summer days and the warm summer nights..and all the fun things that summer allows you to enjoy as a family..We had a very eventful summer.We had more rain than I have ever seen..Our family was blessed with three new little baby boy's.We were able to go on a couple of camping trips.Dip our feet in the sand and go for swims in the ocean and enjoy the lake.Yep, we made the most of our summer but now nature is preparing to rest.With fall, there is a freshness in the air.The days are warm and comfortable and the nights are filled with a crispness.A opened window makes for a restful sleep..The leaves with their bright orange and red colors and green tones seen to make for a brighter blue sky...
    Today, September the 22,2013 at 4:44pm will start the first day of Fall.And with that comes beautiful colors,leaves falling down like rain ,fall decorations, cooler days,cozy evenings with the family,football, festivals and fairs....So my family and I will enjoy each season in it's own time...Making memories that will last forever...
                                          It is the Summer's great last heat
                                           It is the Fall's first chill
                                                   they meet...