Thursday, April 17, 2014

Priceless Picture...

This picture means the world to me,and it's priceless.I never thought this would ever take place,for reasons beyond my control.Then again,I forgot that God is in control,and He alone can make the very desires of my heart happen. 

 This picture has captured all of the Sweetness of all the babies who have stolen mine and papa's heart in a BIG way.(Who if we could,we would give them the world.)For now, all we can do is pray for them.We are praying that God's hand will always be upon them,that they can reach for the stars,and conquer the world, even shoot for the moon.That they will always remember  that He will be there for them and grant them the desires of their hearts.  

Someone asked me about the look on my face and what I was thinking in this picture.Well, the truth is, I was thinking about just how BLESSED I am, how good God has been to me,and how my heart was over flowing with pure happiness. These babies are my pride and joy.If Papa and Mimi never got anything right in life, this one thing we did : we have God fearing,loving children, who gave back to us by filling our hearts with the sweet smiles of our babies. The ones that we call..........
PAPA and MIMI and all that's GRAND!