Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My take on the up coming New Year!!

O.k...Some 12 hours before the big ball drops in New York and the beginning of a New Year 2014..This coming to the end of 2013 is bitter sweet for me.God has reigned down his grace on me and my sweet family.We again for another year have escaped the ills of this world.He(GOD) has seen us through the birth of three grandchildren,yet another birthday a couple of fun vacations,a few camping trips another Thanksgiving and yes we survived yet another Christmas.And coming up a another New Years Eve and New Year at least for this moment...This New Year for me brings up the opportunity for me to look back and see where I have been and where I am going.The things that I have changed and the things that I need to change..I am left at the end of this year wondering where the time went.I think the older I get the faster that gift(time) flies by...I am a little anxious about bringing in a New Year.The not knowing what lies ahead.Wondering in the back of my mind what 2014 will bring with her..The good the bad..Wondering will this be the year of a life changing event..This is where trusting God comes into play..He has laid out the plans for this New Year and what ever it holds he is in control...I saw this quote.."No one can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending"(unknown)...So the conclusion to this is that I will not start over ,but pick up right where I left off working to make things better in my life.Trusting God for he knows what the future holds for me..So tonight we will have our annual shrimp boil we will celebrate with family and friends,shoot fireworks, laugh and toast in the New Year and when the ball drops I will  catch that first New Year's kiss of 2014 from the love of my life..So 2014 I am ready for you...Trusting in God seeking him in all that is waiting on me this 2014 year..Have a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future.Jeremiah 29:11..So sit back and enjoy the ride it could be one of a life time!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving "HOMECOMING"

Today I am Thankful for homecomings!!!! My baby girl will be on her way home from college for Thanksgiving!!! All day I have anticipated her arrival getting the house clean, cooking some of her favorite foods and making this house smell like home...So yep I am excited to get a few Thanksgiving Homecoming hugs and kisses from my baby girl!!!! I am just wondering how much more Christ and our loved ones are anticipation our homecoming arrival..?? What A Day!!!!! “Where we love is HOME – HOME that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” ~Oliver Wendell

Saturday, October 26, 2013


Well October is Pastor appreciation month..So being that I am married  to my Pastor I thought now would be the time to let him as well as others know how I feel about him...So here goes.......
        Being the wife of a pastor carries many different burdens,emotions and at times a different way of thinking and yes there are those expectations from others and the feeling of always living in a fish bowl..Ministry also is a life filled with God's favor,blessings,opportunities and meaningful experiences in life that would have not otherwise came and for that I am grateful...The ministry is filled with highs and lows..It has been at times hard for me to understand his dedication to the ministry. I do know he has a special calling upon his life one that is beyond my understanding...My pastor/husband has the heart for God,church and his people his heart and mind are endlessly occupied with God and his church and its people and the strong Love he has for both...No, he is not perfect and then again who is?? Never has he claimed to be...But I do know without a doubt  he has been called by God to minister to others..And knowing this How could you not love and care for someone who has this calling upon their life..He's the person God has called him to be he does not try to be someone he is not...The Lord is awesome in him as a pastor....Yep,I LOVE my pastor!!! And yet not just because he is my husband but because of what he stands for,,The person he is as a Pastor,Husband,Father,Grandfather and Friend..His unwavering  Love for Christ and others..
My pastor/husband
Deep in thought
       I love to hear my man preach and no matter how long he may preach .lol or how small the offerings are or even how many people show up,my Husband/Pastor is still the most AMAZING man in my life and I need to make sure that he is reminded of this often..and together we will serve our Lord till the end of time....


We are in this together

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy Fall Y'ALL........

Well its hard to believe that summer has come to a end and fall will take its place...I must say that I am a little sad to see it go.Heck I'm really sad.Sad to say goodbye to summer..The long summer days and the warm summer nights..and all the fun things that summer allows you to enjoy as a family..We had a very eventful summer.We had more rain than I have ever seen..Our family was blessed with three new little baby boy's.We were able to go on a couple of camping trips.Dip our feet in the sand and go for swims in the ocean and enjoy the lake.Yep, we made the most of our summer but now nature is preparing to rest.With fall, there is a freshness in the air.The days are warm and comfortable and the nights are filled with a crispness.A opened window makes for a restful sleep..The leaves with their bright orange and red colors and green tones seen to make for a brighter blue sky...
    Today, September the 22,2013 at 4:44pm will start the first day of Fall.And with that comes beautiful colors,leaves falling down like rain ,fall decorations, cooler days,cozy evenings with the family,football, festivals and fairs....So my family and I will enjoy each season in it's own time...Making memories that will last forever...
                                          It is the Summer's great last heat
                                           It is the Fall's first chill
                                                   they meet...

Thursday, June 6, 2013


First camping trip..Table Rock State Park,S.C.

School is out for the Summer,Now that means it is time to bring on some summer fun and the sunshine!! It is time for all things fun!! The lake,swimming,suntanning,short wearing,flip flops wait I wear those all year long..and not to mention going barefooted...The picnics and cookouts,campfires, S'mores,Icee stands,fresh garden vegetables,watermelons,camping and the beach. And yes,Even the summer sounds of the crickets,frogs,early birds singing and that awesome sound of the whip-poor-will usually close to your bedroom window.. The neighborhood ice cream truck with the never ending nursery rhyme music. The on again off again light of the fireflies and catching them and putting them in a jar to look at till you fall asleep..Just the smells of summer, they bring out a sense of newness.                                                                         
I love the fact of not having a place that I really need to be.I love the fact of having all my little (Kid-O'S) together all to myself for the next couple of weeks.And waking up each morning wondering what fun thing will take place.The fun stuff that brings on the opportunity to relax in a way that you normally would not do.A perfect time to just chill out and be LAZY!!!I plan on keeping it (Summer) simple slowing down and enjoying spending more time with family and friends taking the time to breath, and relax and taking the time to renew the time that was lost during the previous months..JUNE,JULY, and for the most part AUGUST are mine again and together we will do it all..We will take each day as it comes ,waking up to see what kind of SUMMER memory can be made..Summers are the four half empty Mosquito repellent bottles under our bathroom sink,because each June,we cant remember whether we are out...Stop scheduling, slow down and take each Summer day as they come and enjoy the magic of Summer.. The magic of Summer is in the air and my family and I are soaking up every second of it....

Sunday, May 12, 2013

One of the Best Mother's Day's

God has Blessed me beyond what I deserve!! Thank you family and friends for loving me unconditionally and making this one of the Best Mother Day's Ever!!!!!
This is a picture that was made for me for Mother's Day
It has all my babies except the two that are on the way soon and the little bud behind the flower that has not been adopted into our family just yet!!!! 
Thank- You Husband
(buying Simply Red)
Thank - You
Baby Micah

My Sweet Family
Thank - You
Tracy...I Love it...
The Cards!!
Everything rolled into one picture!!!

The kids and a Family friend put this book together for me for Mother's Day
It has the best looking grand babies in it!!

Yep...I can say I am LOVED and it's the VERY BEST FEELING!!!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Though it's been 7 years now 
since you were taken away,
the memories are still strong 
and I wish you were here today.

I can't see nor touch you 
so I know you're not here
but I've still got the past
and in my heart you're still near.I Love you mom and always will!!!!
Happy Mother's Day
My late mom was the best. She was the most beautiful, loving, caring, protective, dedicated and Godly mom. She gave my life a meaning. She's not here with me anymore, but I can always see that beautiful smile on her face..Growing up in the 60's and 70's I had that June Cleaver life..My mom was a stay at home mom.She kept the house and always cooked the BEST meals and God was most important in our home.And no, she was not perfect and we had our day's but I had no doubt that she loved me with all her heart..There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about her.I think often on how I would love again to thank her for all she did for me and how much like her I want to be..I am a mom and now a Mimi and I Thank God everyday for the Blessings he has given me..I have the best kids and grand kids a person could ask for. My prayer is that I will be like my mom and let my family know just how much I love them and how important they truly are to me...I know I have failed them in so many ways but with Gods grace and their love in the end they will know that they had my HEART!!!!!! Love you guys...Happy Mothers Day to all my wonderful mom friends!!!!    

I can see it now all the mom's from Bible times to present 
sitting around in Heaven together and saying hey let me tell you about my kids...On this Mother's Day!! I know my mom is having the time of her life..Happy Mother's Day... Heaven Style!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Favorites

Starting today I am going to post a Friday Favorite on the last Friday of the month..
Just simple things that make my life
   EASY....FUN....HAPPY...and yes even SAD......                                                                                                        

So for the first on this last Friday of April it will be Meyer's Cleaner..This stuff is amazing!!It does a AWESOME  job cleaning..It comes in many different scents..I prefer the Lavender scent.
The smell is over the top and makes for a fresh clean smelling house..

    A big thank- you to my daughter,for introducing this product to me..Mrs.Meyer's hit a home run with this product

    Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day believes in a better way to get a good clean. Chock full of plant-derived ingredients and essential oils, our household cleaning products are powerful against dirt and grime. Garden-fresh scents uplift your mood while adding a little spring to your step. We all have to clean--let's make the very best of it.

    Thursday, April 11, 2013


    The Famous CICADA...
    CICADAS ARE ON THEIR WAY!!!!heard on the news this morning to be on the look out for the most amazing insect I know of..After hanging around underground for 17 years, billions of flying bugs known as cicadas are due to sweep over the East Coast starting sometime in the next month. The outbreak is expected to start in the Carolinas in April or early May.I must say I'm excited about this Big event!! Although it seems like a  sad kind of  life they go underground for 17 years and make their way up to search for a mate and then, they the adults only live for two to four weeks...WOW now that's LOVE..LOL 
    remember well the last visit the Cicadas made in our area. Tracy, my youngest daughter was two and my youngest son had not even been born yet....and yes we were camping at the time when the first Cicada outbreak took place that I can remember...and I am 52 years old.I can't wait!!!!! Cicadas are cool and "Without a doubt, they are a true marvel of nature and one that should be enjoyed whenever possible."I read that if you live to be 75 that you only have about four opportunities to hear the amazing song of the Cicadas...Mysteriously as they arrive ,they will disappear..So I am waiting patiently for when I wake up on a hot sunny bright morning to the ear deafening song and sound of the coolest insect I know of the CICADAS...

    And yes this is another reason that I love living in the amazing SOUTH...........

    Friday, March 1, 2013

    Spring is Coming...

    Hope you had a wonderful first day of March.Spring is just around the corner!“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, ...courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”   Author Unknown  

    Saturday, February 23, 2013

    My Forever............

    You are my forever............

    Forever Young in My Eyes

    My mama &dad and with two of my children
    Have you ever thought about how parents and grandparents appear to look the same and never seem to age  the older you get?? I thought about this the other day I was watching home movies you know the 8mm.reel to reel kind with no sound and everyone has their eyes almost closed shut from the big bright lights shinning in their  face.While watching the movies,and yes crying a little..It seemed as though my parents and grandparents ages have stayed the same over the years.When I look at them nothing seems to change,It's as though they have stood still in time.Not getting any younger and not getting any older just the right age for the right time....                          

    When I see my parents and grandparents I see all the wisdom in their faces the accomplishments,love and joy that has made them who they are today.I wonder, how my own children see me? Do they see me in the same way?Wondering regarding to my own children and grandchildren...What age of time will they most remember me in ? Will they see the wisdom of a older much wiser mom and grandparent? The older they get...It amazes me that the more things change the more they seem to stay the same..
    My papa Arnold praying

     Sometimes the clock may seem to have stopped but the calendar is always racing ahead.The youthful smiles and laughs are etched into the deep groves on their faces...And for that they will forever in my heart be young...."Holding on to some people no matter how old they get,never lose their beauty..They merely move it from their faces into their hearts" (Martin Buxbaum)

    The best pancake maker ever!!
    I love my parents and grandparents and in my heart they will forever be young... "There are days of oldness,and then one gets young again".(Katherine Butler)
    My mom's dad & mom(Grandma & Papa Williams)
    My dad's dad & mom(Grandma & Papa Lesley)
    My grandma Lucy I will forever remember her at this age....

    Tuesday, January 22, 2013

    Grateful to My Self/Me

    When you reach the ripe old age of 52 like I have you start to feel a little OLD and LAZY,EMOTIONAL TIED and AFRAID...So here's to Me/Self a letter...To remind me to feel grateful to myself...
                Dear Self, 
                          O.k. Self/Me I love you. I love you for who you have made me out to be..Not everyone loves their self and not everyone loves you self/me but that's o.k I love your brown/black/going gray hair that has a mind of it's own and those Cow Barn eyes (deep brown) that can shed a tear when required.I love those long arms that stretch to the sky and loves to give big strong hugs.Also for those long fingers and toes (that in reality favor a monkeys).I love, believe it or not, the facial hair that I have now acquired.(I Dub Thee Tracy as my official hair plucker when home from college a job I know she will feel honored to have..lol Self, I love the fact that you are almost always several inches taller than most and for your working thinking mind and the fact that most do not understand your way of thinking.Ha,Ha..I love your fun spirit and how you make others laugh, for the beating heart that was given you that loves beyond measure.Oh and the fact that you can still move this somewhat healthy body Running,Walking, Jumping and Bending now that was a workout! I love that you have a style all your own not so sure how that will work for you when you are 70..We will have to see how that goes....                                                                                                      
                          I know you have done some hard and amazing things since we have been together and the satisfaction that those hard things have brought, one of which, was giving birth"WHEW"now that is Love....I love that you chose to marry the most amazing man on earth.Not always seeing eye to eye on things but knowing he loves me and he knows Me/Self better than anyone almost more than I know myself..                                                                 
                           Self,you do need to do some much needed work on the way you take things out on the Sweetest man that has worked so hard for you.Thank-You in advance for working on that.I love that most of the time you are fun loving and just laid back,well most of the time. lol I find you could be a little bit nicer at times and not be to hard on others,and again you do need to try to work on that.I am amazed that you have a heavenly father who does know you and loves you for who you are and that makes you feel so very important. I love that you have a strong faith although you do need to work on being more diligently to studying the bible and yes praying..I know you're wanting to start working on that as well..  SOON!!                          
                              Loving the fact that you have family and friends.I love that you have a giving heart toward others.I don't like that you expect too much out of people.You got to stop doing that and you need to appreciate who they are and what they do.Even though they do not always see and do things your way...Self/me you are a wife,mom and Mimi and I love all the love you  hold  in your heart for those who have been placed in your life.Self you did  a Awesome job at choosing them to love.The love you have for family and friends and the love they have for you..Your love never ending..So looking back Self/Me you have done alright with what you have been giving..Feeling ever so GRATEFUL!!! I love you and thank you for giving of yourself..Remember,Self/Me  you are fearfully and wonderfully made...And don't ever forget it.............

    Monday, January 21, 2013

    My Beautiful Brown Babies......

    Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. Albert Einstein. Skin color is not skin deep. It is less than skin deep. Of the 30,000 or so genes embedded in human DNA, only a very few have anything to do with skin color. All races are basically alike in mental, emotional and physical make up. Skin color is only cosmetic. I am a very Proud Mimi of two precious little Brown Babies that I love with all my heart..They are bright,beautiful and loving little ones..It saddens me and breaks my heart to think about how people can be toward someone who is different not only in color but with handicaps..I pray one day that all this hate will fade away..I pray that the girls will grow up to be God fearing,God loving young women..And color will  matter no more...What a Wonderful World it Would Be!! I Love you my SWEET little Brown babies with all my Heart!! Happy Martin Luther King Day