Thursday, September 11, 2014


You have grown from being my little baby to a fine young man, all of which seems to have happened in the blink of an eye.It seems like yesterday I was bringing you home from the hospital, helping you take your first steps, taking you to Kindergarten while I bawled my eyes out, kissing all those boo-boo’s and reading you bedtime stories …I had never had a boy and had a lot to learn,we have sort of grown up together.We both taught each other.Since the day you were born I worried and wondered about whether or not I was being the best parent I could be. Did I make you feel important? Did we find enough time for the little things that live on in happy memories and remember whens, like laughter, and hugs, and (just-between-us) moments? Did I show you enough that you mean the world to me? And more importantly, did you always know I loved you, even when I was angry at you? I hope I’ve given you enough and made you feel loved, cherished and important.I know in the past we have not always seen eye to eye and we have had our fair share of disagreements, but I want you to know you have mad me so very proud! You have become a wonderful Godly dad and husband and a great provider for your family. I love you with all my heart forever your mom I will be........
I will never in my life forget that day.September 11,2001. I was as most days getting the kids out the door for school,we were excited that morning, it was David's Birthday and he was going for his drivers licenses after school.I had the Today Show on and I will never forget the thought that ran through my head as that first airplane hit.Did I see what I thought I saw? and then thinking those poor people both in the tower and airplane.I ran and got Ronnie and as we were watching, the second airplane hit,that's when I felt my heart just sink and my stomach got this sick feeling. I knew then, Things were bad!!  and our world would never be the same.That our country was changed in just a matter of hours.Then another plane came flying into the Pentagon, Then another plane crashing in a field in Pennsylvania,How could it get any worse and then the towers fell.We just saw thousands of people die right in front of our face on T.V and our world would never be the same...I remember all I wanted was to have my kids back home with me,that’s the day everything changed.I wondered what kind of world my kids would now grow up in.I do know that God is still here, and we can still put our trust in Him .I am not going to lie to you, I have a hard time doing this sometimes.I look at the world today and at times I get that sick feeling again.I heard a T.V announcer say that the story of 911 would be the worse story he would ever announce,and for a minute I thought in my heart he may be right but I think maybe not.I just pray that God will keep us safe and that people will realize even though things are bad and may get worse he(GOD) will be our protector and provider and put trust in Him.Remembering the day's after 911 make me appreciate the moments we have today even more.
Let’s not waste any. They will not last forever and things can change in a matter of seconds.And yes, David did get his Drivers Licences, and yes I never prayed as hard as I did that day....

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Forever Your Mom I'll Be............

The Beginning of the 8th grade...
Today marks the end of the school year.I could not be any happier..I am probably more excited than the kids..but I am also a little sad.I am not real sure where the past couple of years have gone.I do know they went by way to fast..Cameron will make his way to the High School this fall..and like the others the next 4 years will fly by like the blink of an eye..So I am going to take in every second I can get as a mom . I see how fleeting these moments are and I am desperate to hold on to him as long as I can! I'm not sure how he is going to feel about this .lol Now that Tracy is gone for the summer it's just us three.He,(Cameron) Dad and Me...So knowing that my time is limited and he will be grown before I know it..and he will need me a little less as the years go by..I will steal a few hugs and kisses.Take tons of pictures and never let him forget how much he is loved and that I will always be there for him as I watch him grow into a God fearing handsome young man..after all my kids are the people I have loved beyond reason,and that I have loved more than I ever knew was possible...And I thank God that he allowed me to undertake the job of being their mom!!!

The end of the 8th grade.....

For ever my baby you will be......

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Priceless Picture...

This picture means the world to me,and it's priceless.I never thought this would ever take place,for reasons beyond my control.Then again,I forgot that God is in control,and He alone can make the very desires of my heart happen. 

 This picture has captured all of the Sweetness of all the babies who have stolen mine and papa's heart in a BIG way.(Who if we could,we would give them the world.)For now, all we can do is pray for them.We are praying that God's hand will always be upon them,that they can reach for the stars,and conquer the world, even shoot for the moon.That they will always remember  that He will be there for them and grant them the desires of their hearts.  

Someone asked me about the look on my face and what I was thinking in this picture.Well, the truth is, I was thinking about just how BLESSED I am, how good God has been to me,and how my heart was over flowing with pure happiness. These babies are my pride and joy.If Papa and Mimi never got anything right in life, this one thing we did : we have God fearing,loving children, who gave back to us by filling our hearts with the sweet smiles of our babies. The ones that we call..........
PAPA and MIMI and all that's GRAND! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Pictures: They Say A Thousand Words.........

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

A picture is more special to me.  More than a thousand words can say, because of the story it can tell.  It can capture that moment in time that may never come again.  A story.  A story that may never be told again.  A picture is something that can not be replaced.  It creates a sense of immortality.  I find pictures to be more special to me the older I get, especially after a death.  Because you know you never will see that person again here on this earth.  Unable to snap another picture of them , the few pictures that you do have will be all that you have to carry you on through the rest of life.  There are some photos that will mean more to you than others. There are some that will take you back to a time and place that you never want to forget. There are some photos that will make you laugh,smile and even cry.  A picture is worth a thousand words because of the memories that are captured in one little photo.  In one photo, it has captured every little trace of a loved ones face. You never do really know at the time when you are taking the picture how important that photo will become to you or what it will really mean to you.  The meaning behind it, the story it was telling, may not be known until months or even years later.  It reveals just how fast time goes by, how quickly a child can grow up, how short our time is with our family and friends or capture the many roads life will carry you down.  How fast things can change from the time when a picture was taken.  I pick days to which I travel back in time, and look at my life as told in each and every photo.  The story they may have captured. The only real thing that can capture the true you is a photograph. A photo.  The one thing you can leave your love ones with. The one thing  that can be shared down through the years.  Never take for granted a picture that you may have, because it may end up meaning more to you than a thousand words.  Be careful when you go to delete a photo.  You may be deleting a story being told.  So over the past years, I have acquired an army trunk full of photos, 2,593 on my phone, and too many to count on my computer.  Yep.  I would say I have been telling a lot of stories through pictures and many more to come.

"Taking pictures is savoring life intensely,every hundredth of a second." -Marc Riboud

"Take a lot of pictures..I've only ever regretted when I didn't take enough." -Safe Haven


Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My take on the up coming New Year!!

O.k...Some 12 hours before the big ball drops in New York and the beginning of a New Year 2014..This coming to the end of 2013 is bitter sweet for me.God has reigned down his grace on me and my sweet family.We again for another year have escaped the ills of this world.He(GOD) has seen us through the birth of three grandchildren,yet another birthday a couple of fun vacations,a few camping trips another Thanksgiving and yes we survived yet another Christmas.And coming up a another New Years Eve and New Year at least for this moment...This New Year for me brings up the opportunity for me to look back and see where I have been and where I am going.The things that I have changed and the things that I need to change..I am left at the end of this year wondering where the time went.I think the older I get the faster that gift(time) flies by...I am a little anxious about bringing in a New Year.The not knowing what lies ahead.Wondering in the back of my mind what 2014 will bring with her..The good the bad..Wondering will this be the year of a life changing event..This is where trusting God comes into play..He has laid out the plans for this New Year and what ever it holds he is in control...I saw this quote.."No one can go back and start a new beginning,but anyone can start today and make a new ending"(unknown)...So the conclusion to this is that I will not start over ,but pick up right where I left off working to make things better in my life.Trusting God for he knows what the future holds for me..So tonight we will have our annual shrimp boil we will celebrate with family and friends,shoot fireworks, laugh and toast in the New Year and when the ball drops I will  catch that first New Year's kiss of 2014 from the love of my life..So 2014 I am ready for you...Trusting in God seeking him in all that is waiting on me this 2014 year..Have a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For I know the plans I have for you,"declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future.Jeremiah 29:11..So sit back and enjoy the ride it could be one of a life time!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving "HOMECOMING"

Today I am Thankful for homecomings!!!! My baby girl will be on her way home from college for Thanksgiving!!! All day I have anticipated her arrival getting the house clean, cooking some of her favorite foods and making this house smell like home...So yep I am excited to get a few Thanksgiving Homecoming hugs and kisses from my baby girl!!!! I am just wondering how much more Christ and our loved ones are anticipation our homecoming arrival..?? What A Day!!!!! “Where we love is HOME – HOME that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” ~Oliver Wendell